Compagnie Lieux-dits
In 2009 David Geselson founded the compagnie Lieux-Dits.
Lieux-Dits focuses on creating contemporary texts and expanding theatrical horizons.
The junction between fiction and non-fiction is at the core of its work. The tension between how politics can intimately affect and transform individuals, and the way in which these individuals can then transform history in return, is an important theme in its productions.
At the center of its vision is a powerful dynamic between a writer and a team of actors focused on creating texts and works for the theatre that tackle current political, philosophical and poetic issues.
Compagnie Lieux-Dits is accredited by the ministère de la Culture – DRAC Île-de-France.
Compagnie Lieux-Dits I David Geselson is associated to the Théâtre Dijon Bourgogne – direction Maëlle Poésy, to the Comédie de Reims, centre dramatique national – direction Chloé Dabert and to the Théâtre-Sénart, Scène nationale.
Compagnie Lieux-Dits is member of ARVIVA, whose mission is to examine the everyday practices of the performing arts professions in order to identify sustainable alternatives to reduce the sector’s environmental impact, looking at all the links in the chain, from artistic creation to communication and from production to touring.
Consult Compagnie Lieux-Dits’ ecological charter.
David Geselson
David Geselson is an actor, playwright and director.
He wrote, directed and performed Doreen (2016) – Winner of the critics Prize 2017 for the Best French play – (based on Letter to D. by André Gorz), En Route-Kaddish (2014), Unwritten Letters (2017).
He wrote and directed Silence and fear (2020).
He directed Eli Eli by Thibault Vinçon, Les Insomniaques by Juan Mayorga, Poings by Pauline Peyrade at Teatro Español of Madrid.
David Geselson is currently working on his next production Neandertal, to be created in the summer 2023, and he will direct his first opera La Bohème at the Opera de Nancy during the 2025.2026 season.
He published Lettres non-écrites (Unwritten Letters) at Le Tripode in 2021, winner of 2022 First novel discovery by le Syndicat des Gens de Lettres.
His other plays are published at Lieux-Dits.
As an actor, he worked several times under the direction of Tiago Rodrigues, he was in Choeur des amants created in 2021, in La Cerisaie by Anton Tchekhov created at Festival d’Avignon 2021, and in Bovary created in 2016 at théâtre de la Bastille.
He was trained at the École du Théâtre National de Chaillot, the École de théâtre « Les Enfants Terribles » and the Conservatoire national supérieur d’art dramatique.
He performed under the direction of Brigitte Jaques in La Marmite (Plautus’ Aulularia), Cécile Garcia-Fogel in Foi, Amour, Espérance (Odön Von Horváth’s Faith, Love and Charity), Gilles Cohen in Théâtre à la campagne by David Lescot, David Girondin-Moab and Muriel Trembleau in Le Golem (a stage adaptation of Gustav Meyrink), Christophe Rauck in Le Revizor (Nikolai Gogol’s The Government Inspector), Gabriel Dufay in La Ville (Yevgeni Grishkovetz), Jean-Pierre Vincent in Meeting Massera by Jean-Charles Massera, Volodia Serre in Les Trois Soeurs (Anton Chekhov’s Three Sisters), Juliette Navis and Raphaèle Bouchard in a collective work entitled Mont-Royal, and Jean-Paul Wenzel in Tout un homme.
He worked also for television and cinema, for example with Elie Wajeman in Alyah and Les Anarchistes (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs – Cannes 2012 and Semaine de la critique – Cannes 2015 ), François Ozon in Grâce à Dieu, Isabelle Czajka in La Vie domestique, Olivier de Plas in QI, Rodolphe Tissot in Ainsi-soient-ils (seasons 2 and 3), Vincent Garanq in l’Enquête, as well as in short films directed by Muriel Cravatte, Antonin Peretjatko, Marie Donnio and Etienne Labroue.