And also

Created on April 30, 2020 at the Opéra National de Lorraine – Nancy as part of [CONTINUER…] – Espace de création visuelle

Following an invitation from the Opéra de Lorraine-Nancy to make a short film during confinement based on a piece of opera music, we made a piece based on Nietzsche’s Midnight Song by Gustav Mahler.
This Song provided the opportunity to bring together women from the five continents, in a time when withdrawal and isolation has been the rule.
A way of saying that in this long dark night we have to get through, we need to reconnect, and work at looking ahead together, toward our respective horizons.
In doing so, perhaps we can succeed in ensuring that a new day rises, in hoping together and forcefully proving that it is the ties between us that will have the power to transform the disaster toward which we’re rushing, and not withdrawal.

A film by David Geselson

Directed with Isabel Abreu in Portugal, Dee Beasnael in the United States, Yaël Belicha in Spain, Sofia Hadi and Younes Kanbouj in Morocco, Dounia Idriss in Egypt, Kehua Li in China, Marina Keltchewsky and Laure Mathis in France, Eloïse Mignon in Australia and Jérémie Scheidler

With the help of Shady Nafar, Boutaïna El Fekkak, Mehdi Brit, Marian Arbre, Yanan Hu, Eunice Menoji Beasnael

Editing David Geselson, Jérémie Scheidler

Created on February 21, 2020 at Teatro Espanōl – Madrid

Direction of Poings by Pauline Peyrade directed by David Geselson

Pauline Peyrade is a French director and author. Poings is translated in Spanish and directed by David Geselson as part of the collaboration Nueva Dramartugia Francesa.

Performed by Lisi Linder, Mary Ruiz et Juan Trueba

Translation Coto Adānez
Sound design Loïc Le Roux
Assistant director Yaël Belicha

Co-presented with La Comédie, CDN de Reims